People-Powered Progress

We believe that every individual has the power to create positive change. Join our movement and help create a more equitable and just future for all in Mississippi.

Candidate Resources

We provide progressive candidates with a wide variety of campaign resources, such as data and research, fundraising assistance, and training opportunities.

Grassroots Funded

We are proud to be a grassroots-funded PAC, which means that we rely on the support of people like you to elect more Democrats and progressives in Mississippi.
Our Mission

Elect More Democrats

At the heart of our mission is the belief that by electing more Democrats and progressives in Mississippi, we can create a brighter and more
equitable future for all residents of our state. We are committed to working tirelessly to support progressive campaigns and to help
elect candidates who share our vision for a better Mississippi.

Here are our exciting events! Can't wait to see you at the next one!
  • Ongoing
  • Upcoming

Paid for by Mississippi Alliance for Change PAC; Independently of and not authorized or approved by any federal, state, or local candidate or candidate’s committee.